
These are the general instructions for installation. It is very important that you take into account each point for proper installation!

The program runs best in a PC or laptop, but you can also install it on compatible iPads or Android tablets, although you will surely be asked to use an additional application, that will depend on each device.


To download Istation, please click on the following link: follow the instructions carefully. After the program has been installed it will not require internet access, but it is very important that you DO NOT FORGET THESE STEPS:

The software runs smoothly on PC or laptop. Once you run the software, a shortcut will be created in your desktop. When you use the program for the first time a window will pop open where you will be asked for a DOMAIN, type:, in the corresponding space.

As you are typing, in the lower window the name “Metropolitan Talent Institute of Mati” will appear pre-filled, click on this name and then “accept”. On the next screen you will be asked for the Istation username and password that you previously received. When you write the username should always be capitalized. Click «enter» just ONCE and give it a few seconds, do not click anymore, because this can cause the program to stop working; it will take a few seconds before the program runs completely.

During the upcoming occasions as you continue to use the program, you will be required to write your  username and password.

Installing Istation

Upon entering you will see an Inbox, with options such as LEYENDO CON ISIP for guidance in Spanish, click once and wait.

This first time the student will have to solve a placement test. In the lower bar, next to the student’s name, a blue button is enabled that says ISIP IN PROGRESS, which disappears as soon as the test ends.

At this point, you can either close the window or continue by clicking to the personalized advice that is enabled immediately as the test has finished.

If you bought the program in English, you will follow the same process by clicking READING WITH ISIP, and solve the English placement test.


It is very important that you do not present both placement test on the same day

While the program is delivering an instruction or reading, the mouse clicker will appear as if it was loading. This is normal it means that the program continues loading while it is working. If for some reason it takes too long, do not click again, let it continue and in a matter of seconds, it will be enabled again.

The first time you use it please use PC or laptop. After downloading it on a PC or laptop you can install the ISTATION App on a tablet or iPad.


To Access Math Whizz:

Go to this link and enter the username and password that were sent to you and have your kid perform the initial placement test, the program will automatically deliver activities according to the result, providing a personalized learning experience. Your account will be linked to MATI and all the activities you carry out will be registered under MATI’s account.

After your kid has performed all the placement tests, please send an email to and confirm that your kid will start their program right away.